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Pädagogische und Entwicklungspsychologie (Educational and Developmental Psychology)

Theses Research


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Our Department:

Abteilung Pädagogische Psychologie

und Entwicklungspsychologie

Institut für Psychologie
Universität Freiburg
Engelbergerstr. 41
D-79085 Freiburg 



Dr. Sophie Nolden


Corinne Nal

Fon +49 (0) 761 203 - 3002

The Department of Educational and Developmental Psychology is concerned with how different teaching and learning methods can promote understanding and the acquisition of principle-based cognitive skills in different age groups.
You can find more information about our research here.


You can find topics for the experimental practical course ("Expra") and theses here.





  • A warm welcome to Dr. Sophie Nolden, who will represent the Department of Educational and Developmental Psychology for the next time!
  • Lifetime Achivement Award!  For his immense contributions to the research field of educational psychology, Prof. Dr. Alexander Renkl received the EARLI Sig 6 & 7 lifetime achievement award. A worthy hommage! Congratulations and all the best for the things that are about to come!
  • Junior Researcher Award! Congratulations to Dwayne Lieck, who won the "No-or-not-perfect data" presentation award of the EARLI Sig 6 & 7 conference 2024 in Tübingen, Germany! He convinced the jury with his report on two field experiements testing constructive retrieval in the classroom.
  • Keynote of Dr. Tino Endres! We compliment Dr. Tino Endres to the excellent keynote about  his research on retrieval practice held at the EARLI Sig 6 & 7 conference 2024 in Tübingen, Germany!



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