Sie sind hier: Startseite News New project "How can Knowledge Construction and Retrieval Practice be Fruitfully Combined to Foster the Acquisition of Declarative Concepts?" (Prof. Dr. Alexander Renkl)

New project "How can Knowledge Construction and Retrieval Practice be Fruitfully Combined to Foster the Acquisition of Declarative Concepts?" (Prof. Dr. Alexander Renkl)

Prof. Dr. Alexander Renkl (Abteilung für Pädagogische Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie) received funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the project "How can knowledge construction and retrieval practice be fruitfully combined to foster the acquisition of declarative concepts" run together with Prof. Dr. Julian Roelle (University of Bochum) und Matthias Nückles (University of Freiburg) (Duration: 36 Months; project part Renkl: EUR 25.020). [13.7.2021]

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