Sie sind hier: Startseite Abteilungen und Arbeitsgruppen Arbeitsgruppe Rehabilitationspsychologie und Psychotherapie Forschung Implementation of a strategy for screening and diagnosing mental disorders of patients in medical rehabilitation – Exemplary trial in selected clinics of rehabilitation

Implementation of a strategy for screening and diagnosing mental disorders of patients in medical rehabilitation – Exemplary trial in selected clinics of rehabilitation

Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Dr. Juergen Bengel, PD Dr. Juergen Barth, Dr. Harald Baumeister, Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Haerter

Research Associates: Dipl.-Psych. Jeanette Jahed, Dipl.-Psych. Barbara Vogel

Research Assistants: Inge Bitz, Sarah Eckhardt, Frank Egloff

Partner: Rehabilitationskliniken des Rehabilitationswissenschaftlichen Forschungsverbundes Freiburg / Bad Säckingen

Funding: Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV)

Duration: 01.07.2007 – 28.02.2010


Project Description

The objectives of the present transfer project are the implementation and evaluation of routine, gradual diagnostics, differential diagnostic and indication regarding mental distress and disorders of patients in medical rehabilitation. Selected clinics will receive intensive consultation, training and assistance to improve diagnostics of mental disorders. The level of diagnostic expertise as well as the established diagnostic routines of staff members in the medical rehabilitation should be raised by systematic education.

The project is based on the findings of the two projects “Epidemiology of mental disorders in medical rehabilitation” (1998 – 2005) and the PROTeCD-study “Psychotherapeutic resource-orientated treatment for cardiac patients with depression” (2003 - 2006) as well as the „Speyerer recommendations“ (2004).

The project documents beneficial and obstructive conditions and evaluates the effects of implementing a screening-, diagnostic- and indication-program regarding the treatment of mental comorbid patients. As a project outcome a module, including a manual will be available, which can be implemented in out- and inpatient medical rehabilitation clinics.

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