Biological Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
New publications Labuschagne, Dominguez, Grace, Mizzi, Henry, Peters, Rabinak, Sinclair, Lorenzetti, Terrett, Rendell, Pedersen, Hocking, Heinrichs (2024). Specialization of amygdala subregions in emotion processing. Mizzi, Pedersen, Rossell, Rendell, Terrett, Heinrichs, Labuschagne (2024). Resting-state amygdala subregion and precuneus connectivity provide evidence for a dimensional approach to studying social anxiety disorder. Kilian, Schiller, Meyer-Doll, Heinrichs, Schlaepfer (2024). Normalized affective responsiveness following deep brain stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle in depression. Koenig, Diezig, Kalburgi, Antonova, Artoni, Brechet, Britz, Croce, Custo, Damborska, Deolindo, Heinrichs, Kleinert, Liang, Murphy, Nash, Nehaniv, Schiller, Smailovic, Tarailis, Tomescu, Toplutas, Vellante, Zanesco, Zappasodi, Zou, Michel (2024). EEG-meta-microstates: towards a more objective use of resting-state EEG microstate findings across studies. Schiller, Brustkern, Walker, Hamm, Heinrichs (2023). Oxytocin has sex-specific effects on trust and underlying neurophysiological processes. Schiller, Brustkern, von Dawans, Habermann, Pacurar, Heinrichs (2023). Social high performers under stress behave more prosocially and detect happy emotions better in a male sample. Lott-Sandkamp, Spengler, Heinrichs (2023). Impairment in reading negative social cues extends beyond the face in autism. Vehlen, Kellner, Normann, Heinrichs, Domes (2023). Reduced eye gaze during facial emotion recognition in chronic depression: Effects of intranasal oxytocin. Atila, Holze, Murugesu, Rommers, Hutter, Varghese, Sailer, Eckert, Heinrichs, Liechti, Christ-Crain (2023). Oxytocin in response to MDMA provocation test in patients with arginine vasopressin deficiency (central diabetes insipidus): a single-centre, case-control study with nested, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial. Ditzen, Aguilar-Raab, Winter, Hernandez, Schneider, Bodenmann, Heinrichs, Ehlert, Läuchli (2023). Effects of intranasal oxytocin and positive couple interaction on immune factors in skin. Zang, May, Hellwig, Moser, Hengstler, Cole, Heinrichs, Rahnenführer, Marcus, Kumsta (2023). Proteome analysis of monocytes implicates altered mitochondrial biology in adults reporting adverse childhood experiences. Tönsing, Schiller, Vehlen, Spenthof, Domes, Heinrichs (2022). No evidence that gaze anxiety predicts gaze avoidance behavior during face-to-face social interaction Lott, Spengler, Stächele, Schiller, Heinrichs (2022). EmBody/EmFace as a new open tool to assess emotion recognition from body and face expressions. Kilian, Schiller, Schlaepfer, Heinrichs (2022). Impaired socio-affective, but intact socio-cognitive skills in patients with treatment-resistant, recurrent depression. Kleinert, Nash, Leota, Koenig, Heinrichs, Schiller (2022). A self-controlled mind is reflected by stable mental processing.
von Dawans, Trueg, Voncken, Dziobek, Kirschbaum, Domes, Heinrichs (2022). Empathy modulates the effects of acute stress on anxious appearance and social behavior in social anxiety disorder.
Schiller, Tönsing, Kleinert, Böhm, Heinrichs (2022). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic nationwide lockdown on mental health, environmental concern, and prejudice against other social groups. Grace, Heinrichs, Koval, Gorelik, von Dawans, Terrett, Rendell, Labuschagne (2022). Concordance in salivary cortisol and subjective anxiety to the Trier Social Stress Test in social anxiety disorder. Doerr, Klaus, Troxel, Nater, Bodenmann, Heinrichs, Ehlert, Ditzen (2022). The effect of intranasal oxytocin on the association between couple interaction and sleep: a placebo-controlled study.
| News Dr. Bastian Schiller accepts the position as Full Professor and Chair for Clinical Neuropsychology at the University of Heidelberg. Congratulations and all the very best! Catriona Campbell joined our department as new psychotherapist in our Outpatient Clinic on February 1, 2025. A warm welcome and best wishes for a good start! Sabrina Schluckebier joined our department as new psychotherapist in our Outpatient Clinic on July 15, 2024. A warm welcome and best wishes for a good start! The University of Freiburg's new Psychotherapy Center is now online Dr. Katja Bleitner joined our department as new clinical research fellow in our Outpatient Clinic on January 1, 2024. A warm welcome and best wishes for a good start! Dr. Johannes Doerflinger joined our department as new postdoctoral fellow on October 1, 2023. A warm welcome to Freiburg and best wishes for a good start! Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Freiburg. Marie Waldschütz, M.Sc., joined our department as new predoctoral fellow on October 1, 2023. A warm welcome and best wishes for a good start! New LANCET paper together with researchers from the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the prosocial, empathic, and anxiolytic role of oxytocin in patients with diabetes insipidus. Relaxation training under pressure. The German newspaper SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG reported in their March 4, 2023 issue on new approaches for stress management including an interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs (see Guide to Stress and Stress Coping). Dr. Bastian Schiller was awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) of the European Union for the project entitled "From face-to-face to face-to-screen: Social animals interacting in a digital world" (Duration: 5 years; EUR 1.499.378). Congratulations on this great success! New study on connection between a “calm mind” and better capacity for self-control published in "Psychological Science" (Press Information). The “Annual Conference of Psychology and the Brain” will be held on June 16-18, 2022, at the University of Freiburg. This traditional conference offers keynote lectures given by leaders in the field as well as symposia, poster sessions, pre-conference workshops and – last but not least – Baden evening programs to communicate and to “network”. We look forward to welcoming you to Freiburg in summer 2022! Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs on stress, burnout, and the Freiburg Outpatient Clinic for Stress-Related Disorders (WIRTSCHAFTSWOCHE, 22.05.2022). CHE Ranking 2022 certifies that the Department of Psychology is listed in the top group in Germany regarding research strength and student satisfaction. "It doesn’t have to be the island paradise" – Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs on how to recover from everyday stress (BADISCHE ZEITUNG, 30.04.2022). New study on sex differences in the effects of attractiveness and threat on trust published in "Scientific Reports" (Press Information). "Ways to overcome autumn blues" – Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs on how to best tackle symptoms of seasonal depression (WELT AM SONNTAG, 12.09.2021). More acceptance of environmental concerns and asylum seekers during Covid 19 pandemic lockdown - Interview with Dr. Bastian Schiller on societal effects of nationwide lockdown. New paper on the effects of the nationwide lockdown on mental health, environmental concern, and prejudice against asylum seekers in "Environment and Behavior" (Press Information). Dr. Franny Spengler has been awarded the Early Career Award of the German Society of Psychophysiology. Congratulations on this success! Dr. Bastian Schiller and Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs received a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project entitled "Challenge versus threat: how cognitive appraisals of stress modulate its effect on social behavior" (Duration: 36 months; EUR 274,699). "Change your perspective and stay mindful" – Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs on how to best tackle stress in times of the corona crisis (ZDF, 21.12.2020). Dr. Tara Donker received a grant from the Max Planck Society (MPG) for the project entitled "Innovative methods in mental health care" (Duration: 60 months; EUR 783,520). "Recharging during the dark season" - Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs and Dr. Tobias Stächele on how to tackle symptoms of seasonal change. "How to beat the autumn blues" – Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs on how to best tackle symptoms of seasonal change (BADISCHE ZEITUNG, 21.11.2020). New book publication on "Guide to Stress and Stress Coping". After our book on “Stress and Stress Coping” for psychotherapists, this new self-help book is aimed at stressed individuals to improve their regenerative capacity, to change stress-inducing situations and to easily learn relaxation techniques. Lea Lott, M.Sc., Dr. Franny Spengler, Prof. Dr. Andreas Vlachos (Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology) and Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs have been awarded a grant from the project competition "Innovative Studies 2021" for the project entitled "FreiBrain 3D – A 360°-tour through the brain" (Duration: 12 months; EUR 65,137). Dr. Bastian Schiller received a "Postdoctoral Fellowship for Leading Early Career Researchers" from the Baden-Wurttemberg Foundation for the project entitled "Situational and individual determinants of behavior towards refugees: A biopsychological approach" (Duration: 24 months; EUR 115,140). "It's about staying in touch" - Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs on the risks of social isolation (DER SONNTAG, 05.04.2020). How does stress make us ill? – The German weekly ZEIT ONLINE reported in the 12.08.2019 issue on the association between stress, burnout, and depression. Fascinating hormone – Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs on therapeutic perspectives of the hormone oxytocin (MEDICO, 05.06.2019). Radio Feature "Hormone Research between Therapy and Potential Manipulation": Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs and Dr. Bastian Schiller (Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 10.01.2019). Dr. Bastian Schiller and Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs received a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project entitled "Effects of oxytocin on socio-cognitive processes: new insights from spatio-temporal EEG analyses" (Duration: 30 months; EUR 182,615). Loneliness: Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs (NZZ Format, SRF1 und 3sat, 13.09.2018). Prof. Dr. Yin Wu (Center for Brain Function and Psychological Science, Shenzhen University, China, and Behavioral and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, UK) was awarded a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a two-year research stay in our laboratory. Congratulations! We are pleased to welcome – after Prof. Dr. Frances S. Chen (Stanford University, USA; now University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) and Dr. Valentina Colonnello (Washington State University, USA: now University of Bologna, Italy) – another Humboldt research fellow to our group. A warm welcome to Freiburg! Dr. Sally Grace (Centre for Mental Health, Swinburne University of Technology, and Cognition and Emotion Research Centre, ACU, Australia) was awarded a fellowship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for a research stay in our laboratory. Congratulations and a warm welcome to Freiburg! Why stress can cause an upset stomach – Interview with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs (SPIEGEL ONLINE, 12.03.2018). Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs and Prof. Dr. Gregor Domes (University of Trier) received a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the two-center project entitled "The dynamics of eye-to-eye contact in social anxiety and autism: A naturalistic dyadic eye-tracking paradigm" (Duration: 30 months; EUR 209,204). Why do we feel we need to belong to a social group? Dr. Bastian Schiller developed a quiz for the format "Beat the Prof" of "ZEIT Campus". Here is the link to the quiz. Boy oh Boy – The soft side of testosterone? The German newspaper SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG reported in their 16.05.2017 issue on our new research findings on the hormone testosterone and its role in human behavior (see publications in HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR, NATURE, NATURE). Science Jam of the Bernstein Center and the Cluster of Excellence Brain Links-Brain Tools on "Liquid Trust". An Evening with Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs and actors Christoff Raphael Mortagne und Jana Skolovski. Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs met the Dalai Lama for a dialogue talk on "The biology of care: social hormones in the human brain" in Brussels Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs was awarded a Professorial Research Fellowship at the Cognition and Emotion Research Centre from ACU Melbourne, Australia. Prof. Dr. Gregor Domes accepts the position as Full Professor and Chair for Biological and Clinical Psychology at the University of Trier. Congratulations and all the very best! Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs received a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project entitled "Psychoneuroendocrinological perspectives on implicit regulation mechanisms in couples" (Duration: 2 years; EUR 151,862). Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs has declined the offer of an appointment as Full Professor and Chair for Clinical Psychology at the University of Vienna and accepted a counter-offer to stay at the University of Freiburg. Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs has been appointed by the President of the Max Planck Society for a six-year term of office on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich. Prof. Dr. Frances S. Chen, Humboldt research fellow with our group since 2010, accepts the position as Professor of Health Psychology at the renowned University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada). Congratulations and all the very best! Prof. Dr. Robert Kumsta accepts the position as Full Professor and Chair for Genetic Psychology at the University of Bochum and declined an offer of an appointment as Full Professor of Life-Span Psychology at the University of Lubeck. Congratulations and all the very best! |