Lisa Reuter
Since October 2022 I am working at FRIBIS to conduct research on the universal basic income.
My interests with respect to basic income fall in the area of social redistribution, socio-political narratives & concepts of society & humankind, socioecological transformation, commons and interdisciplinary research approaches.
Personally, I am also interested in critical psychology/psychotherapy/theory.
For my dissertation I mainly worked with Cognitive-Affective Maps (CAMs), a very versatile method to collect, analyze and communicate data. CAMs are visualized networks, which look like mind maps, but also represent valences of the respective concepts. For more information have a look at:
- literature and some information on CAMs
- the softwares we use for drawing CAMs:
*Valence: the homepage we hostand the code for the software, which is free to download
* C.A.M.E.L.: the homepage we host and the code for the software, which is free to download
- a software that facilitates CAM data analysis
From 2019-2022 I was working in the research cluster livMatS of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg in the field of "Sustainability". In this area, we work in interdisciplinary cooperation, focusing on the relationship between nature and humans in the Anthropocene and the properties of new materials systems and their role for society.
Published Articles
1st Author
Höfele, P., Reuter, L., Estadieu, L., Livanec, S., Stumpf, M., & Kiesel, A. Connecting the methods of psychology and philosophy: Applying cognitive-affective maps (CAMs) to identify ethical principles underlying the evaluation of bioinspired technologies. Philosophical Psychology.
Mansell, J., Reuter, L., Rhea, C., & Kiesel, A. (2021). A Novel Network Approach to Capture Cognition and Affect: COVID-19 Experiences in Canada and Germany. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 2082.
Reuter, L., Fenn, J., Bilo, T. A., Schulz, M., Weyland, A. L., Kiesel, A., & Thomaschke, R. (2021). Leisure walks modulate the cognitive and affective representation of the corona pandemic: Employing Cognitive-Affective Maps within a randomized experimental design. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 13(4), 952-967.
Reuter, L., Mansell, J., Rhea, C.,& Kiesel, A. (2021). Direct Assessment of Individual Connotation and Experience: An Introduction to Cognitive-Affective Mapping. Politics and the Life Sciences.
Möller, M., Höfele, P., Reuter, L., Tauber, F.J., & Grießhammer, R. (2021). How to assess technological developments in basic research? Enabling formative interventions regarding sustainability, ethics, and consumer issues at an early stage. TATuP-Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 30(1), 65-62.
Rhea, C., Reuter, L., & Piereder, J. (2020). Valence Software Release.
Thesis supervision
If you are interested in the supervision of your thesis in the described area, don´t hesitate to contact me (the best way to reach me is by mail)!
Bachleor/Master Theses I have (co)supervised so far
Rothmann, W. (2022). Cognitive-Affective Maps - Verständnis für Konzeptzusammenhänge in Abhängigkeit der Valenzen. Masterthesis in German.
Bilo, T., Helm, J. (2021). A Further Step Towards Sustainable Development - Re-evaluating and Expanding Cognitive-Affective Mapping for Technology Acceptance Prediciton. Bachelorthesis.
Dörr, M. (2021). Eine Qualitative Analyse von Kognitiv-Affektiven Karten - Können Daten von Kognitiv-Affektiven Karten im Vergleich zu Fragebögen zusätzliche Informationen geben? Masterthesis in German.
Gros, W. (2021). CAMediaid: Multimethod approach to assess Cognitive-Affective Maps in mediation - A quantitative validation study. Masterthesis.
Koloczek, N. (2020). Förderung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit für die Methode "Cognitive-Affective-Mapping". Masterthesis in German.
Ricken, D. (2020). A Step towards Sustainable Development: Predicting the Acceptance of life-like Materials Systems with Cognitive-Affective Mapping. Masterthesis.
2023 - present Training as Psychotherapist (Psychoanalysis & Depth Psychology)
2022 - present Postdoc at the Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS)
2019 - 2022 PhD degree in Psychology, Cluster of Excellence Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous
Materials Systems (livMatS)
Thesis title: Bridging Over the Troubled Waters of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods: Exploring
Cognitive-Affective Maps in Empirical Research
2017 - 2019 Master of Science in Psychology at the University of Freiburg
Thesis title: Collection and evaluation of basal attributes of living materials systems
2014 - 2017 Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Freiburg
Thesis title: How people benefit from adversity: Influences of Social Support and Gender
differences on Posttraumatic Growth