Sie sind hier: Startseite Studium und Lehre MSc Psychology Course catalog

Course catalog


You can look up the courses offered by the Institute for Psychology in the course catalog of the campus management system HISinOne. It provides information about the contents, course requirements, examinations, course-related literature, and type for enrollment in the courses of your study program so that you know which courses you have to digitally register for in which periods via HISinOne.

Up to and including summer semester 2024, we communicated the details of the psychology courses in the form of an annotated course catalog as a PDF. This will no longer be the case from winter semester 2024/25, as all information can now be found directly with the course in HIsinOne.

If you would like to look at the old directories, here is our archive:

Welche Veranstaltungen vom Institut für Psychologie angeboten werden, können Sie jedes Semester im Vorlesungsverzeichnis des Campus Management Systems HISinOne sehen. Es informiert über die Inhalte, Anforderungen, Leistungsnachweise, Literaturangaben, und Belegform der Veranstaltungen Ihres Studiengangs, sodass Sie wissen welche Veranstaltungen Sie in welchem Zeitraum in HISinOne elektronisch belegen müssen.

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