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Award to Lynn Kalinowski, M.Sc.

In December 2014 Mrs. Lynn and Dr. Peter Kalinowski received the award for voluntary work of Baden-Württemberg in the category „promoting youth“ for the programme called “Mutige Mädchen” („brave girls“) aiming to prevent sexualised violence. A jury of the social ministry chose 35 social projects out of about 1,000 suggestions of which the “Mutige Mädchen” obtained the first rank. Lynn Kalinowski is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Psychology / Department of Neuropsychology (chair Prof. Dr. Ulrike Halsband, D. Phil. Oxon). In Lynn’s doctoral thesis she works on the efficacy of measures to prevent sexual violence; at the same time she is leading the programme “Mutige Mädchen” and offers “Mutige Mädchen” courses at about 30 schools. [25.3.2015]

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